Sunday, August 29, 2010

24 weeks with possible teeth!!!

So you turned 24 weeks on Fri (8/27)! I can't believe it. You had your 6 month photoshoot today. You're quite the diva - so photogenic!!!!

After the shoot, we met my friend, Amanda, and her baby, Naomi, at Max & Erma's! You two had a blast. Naomi is just about 9months old, and is sitting in a high chair. We put you in one, too, and you actually did pretty well! I took 3 really cute pictures of you two.

At the end of this week, you'll be officially 6 months old!!! Kind of strange since you were born on the 12th of March, but by week counting, you will be officially 6 months on Thurs.

My 29th birthday was yesterday and what a crappy day it was! What I wouldn't give to be your cares...just sleeping/pooping/eating and then doing it all the next day!! :) Sounds magical!!

Today (8/29), you were fine until about 4:30pm. Oh man, you started SCREAAAAAMING like there was no tomorrow! I had been checking your gums daily to see if teeth were coming through probably for the past 4-6 weeks. Today, I noticed 2 puffy pockets behind where your 2 bottom teeth will be, and they weren't there before. I'm thinking your 2 bottom teeth may pop up pretty soon. Daddy went out to get you infant Tylenol. You JUST fell asleep in your crib. Poor thing. I think you tired yourself out from crying.

Hopefully daddy will be home soon.

Daddy got home about 30 min after you had fallen asleep. We woke you up around 8:00! You napped for 3 hours!!!! Daddy went to play hockey, and we went to Kroger to pick up a few things!

I just gave you a bath, and you're HOPEFULLY asleep in the crib! I don't hear any kicking against the walls (which you tend to do, playfully in your crib!!)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Starting to Crawl???

So last night (8/21), I looked over and you were ALMOST crawling! It was the first time that I had seen both arms up, and even legs tucked under your bottom, at least in the position to crawl. I think we're making progress!!! I think it will be any day now.

We also gave you bananas this week! As expected, you loved them!!!!

Crossing our fingers, but so far with sweet potatoes, green beans and bananas, there does not seem to be any allergies or negative side effects except a messy, messy face and sticky fingers!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

23 wks!?!?!?!

Oh my goodness, my little girl turned 23 wks yesterday!!! I can't believe it!! You're growing up so quickly.

You're not YET crawling, but I think it's only "moments" away. You're kicking your little leggies away. You're so close!!! I actually had a dream last night that you took 9 steps!! Perhaps this is a sign that you'll start crawling/walking really soon!

Never forget me. Love you, sweet girl!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Green Beans Were a Success!!!

Two blogs in one night...oh my!!!

Tonight we tried rice cereal, formula + green beans!! At first you weren't so sure, but once I gave you the spoon to feed yourself, you LOVED it! You are sooo independent, always wanting to hold the spoon to feed yourself, and wanting to hold your bottle!!! It's great seeing you grow, but I don't want you to grow so quickly!! You still need me, right??? (I hope!!)

We also skyped with Grandma Betsy! She got to see you try green beans and then move around on the floor!! She sang you the "Five Little Speckled Frogs" song and blew you kisses!!! You'll see her in person in September!!!!!

Now.....TIME FOR A BATH!!!!!!!! We need to wash those green beans off!

Let's Go Shopping Mid-Week!

Grandma Andi went back home today. She was sad to leave you, but she'll see you in October, if not sooner! (I think we can convince her to come back and play!!)

After we dropped Grandma off at that airport, I took you to my doctor's appt. You were such a good girl!! Then, we met daddy for lunch at our favorite place, "Potbelly's." And after that, we went shopping!!!!!!

Now we're at home watching mommy's favorite shows!! I think we may try some green beans tonight - YUM!!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Days with Daddy & Walkers

So, yesterday you got to spend the WHOLE day with daddy!!!! He didn't have to work yesterday, so you guys got to do lots of errands INCLUDING meeting me for lunch!!!! Do you know where we went?? We went to this place called Riverside Cafe. It's Korean and delicious! I can't wait to take you back when you can actually eat the food! There were no booths left, so we actually sat on the floor! They had low tables with pillows set was perfect for us!!!!

After work, I met you and daddy at Tire Discounters because daddy had a flat tire. :( I picked you guys up and we headed to the gym where I found out that you had walked nearly 20 feet in the baby walker in a minute and a half!!!! I swear you're going to walk before you crawl!!!! Haha!

Now it's Friday the 13th and Grandma & Grandpa Rosen are coming to visit! We'll pick them up from the airport tonight and then go to dinner.

Before that...daddy left me a list of stuff to do! I think he is trying to keep us from the mall!!!! (We'll show him!)

Love you!!!

You're 22wks today!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Someone Likes Sweet Potatoes!!

So, we tried some rice cereal and sweet potato again tonight and you LOVED it!! I sat you in the bumbo chair, and you kept opening your mouth and leaning towards the spoon! You've only had the rice cereal + sweet potato 2x and so far, no side effects! Maybe we'll try another veggie next week!!!

Guess who's coming to visit you this weekend...Grandma & Grandpa Rosen!!!!! They are so excited to see you!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sweet Potatoes!!!

Today, I thought I would buy you some "yummy" vegetables...sweet potatoes and squash. The dr. thought it would be a good idea to start with veggies, and then progress to fruits! Since you're not quite 6 mo yet, I'm just giving you little tastes here and there. You fit almost all the criteria for eating rice cereal and/or baby food, like sitting supported (and sometimes sitting alone), and having an interest in food when we eat, like leaning towards the food or staring at it as it enters our mouth. So...I mixed in a little sweet potato with your rice cereal and boy did you LOVE it!!!! You immediately went towards the bowl and tried to put your face in it. You held the spoon and just licked the food!!

So, we'll keep trying the sweet potatoes for about 5 days before introducing other foods to see if you have an allergy or other reaction to it. Hopefully you don't because sweet potatoes are DELISH!!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lunch Dates & Weight Checks

Today, I took you to the gym where you played in the playroom with all the other babies, and then we went for a walk-in weight check at Motherhood Express (the scary lactation place...Ahhh!!) You weighed in at a whopping 15lbs 4.8 oz, and measured about 26in in length!!! NOT TOO SHABBY!!! You're growing like a weed! Did you know that when I was your age, I was shorter in length and weighed more!! What a little piggy your mommy was...haha!!

After the weight check, we went to meet my friend, Ashley, and her son, Paxton, who is 7wks old! Of course we met at Kenwood Mall, our favorite place to shop/eat!!

When we got home, there was a BIG package from Grandma & Grandpa Rosen! It was full of clothes and toys!!!!

Tonight we are going to stop by our friend's (Tim) surprise birthday party. We're just going to stop by for a few minutes because it's a grown-up party. After that, I think daddy is taking us out for Japanese!!! YUM!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

21 Weeks!!

Today you are 21 wks old!!! We met my friend, Sarah, today for lunch. And then we went shopping. We're going shopping again tomorrow with my friend, Ashley, and her son, Paxton!!

We tried rice cereal again last night, but you weren't really into it. A few days prior, you actually seemed to really like it and were reaching for the spoon. When you're 6mo, we're going to try some actual baby food. The doctor suggested starting with green and yellow veggies, and then moving to fruit. I've heard that some people mix in baby food with the rice cereal. We'll try whatever you like!!!

You're eating A LOT more these days. Before, you were mostly a snacker, not really taking a full bottle. BUT NOW, can down an 8oz bottle of formula like it's your job!

Well, I just put you to sleep...hopefully!!!! I don't hear you kicking your legs...ah, I spoke too soon. You just made a sound! Speaking of, I LOVE your sounds!! Warms my heart!

Love you, sweet girl!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2nd Attempt at Rice Cereal

Well, we tried rice cereal again tonight and I think you liked it. I can't tell if you liked the taste, or you liked playing with the spoon. Everytime I put the spoon in the bowl, you seemed to open your mouth and almost lean towards the spoon, as if you already knew that this is how to eat!

You're growing up so quickly, I can't believe it!!!! Slow down a bit, okay???

Love you!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

20 wks (5mo) & Rice Cereal

Well, you're officially 5 mo old (at least in terms of wks!)!! Still no teeth sitings, however;
you're still putting everything in your mouth and drooling like crazy!!

Today, we gave you a little bit of rice cereal. I don't think you liked it all that made silly faces.

Tonight we are going to go watch daddy play hockey with Uncle Grant! We bought you baby Uggs (or F'uggs..hehe..Target brand, of course

) because it's going to be soooo cold in the rink!

I start my new job tomorrow!! Can't wait! I'll be so much closer to you just in case anything were to happen, god forbid.

Love you, baby girl!!