Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No food + Enema???

The past week or so, there has definitely been a change in your appetite. And by that, I mean you're eating close to NOTHING!!! Before, I could pretty much put anything in front of you, and you'd at least humor me by eating a little. Nowadays, I'm lucky if you take 1 tiny bite of a chicken nugget ALL DAY!! :(

Last night (2/20/12), you were struggling to go to the bathroom. It was so sad to watch you push. Finally, I went to change you, and noticed that a large BM was stuck coming out. :( Obviously this caused you a lot of pain. A few weeks ago this happened, and daddy had to put a glycerine wedge inside your bottom, but it worked wonders and popped that BM right out.

Tonight (2/21/12), I broke down and called Dr. Warner after hours. She said that the not eating was actually normal for your age, and to limit your milk to about 8-10oz per day. Eeek - that will be a challenge considering that's about all you drink!!!!! :( She said to focus more on the constipation issue, and to pick up a Pedialax Enema, prune juice and raisins. The Pedialax Enema I was just not prepared for. I'm not sure what I thought it would be, but it was totally not what I thought would come out of the box. It's this 7-8" contraption with a 2.5in long piece that goes in your bottom. It's connected to a large bottle of Saline solution. I had to somehow pin you down long enough to get this in your bottom, and squeeze the solution inside. It was absolutely horrible - you were screaming, and I was nearly in tears...BUT...it did the trick! Within 5-6 minutes, 2 LARGE BMs came plowing out, and another 10 min later, the 3rd one came out!!! Hopefully you're all done...I can't imagine anymore BMs being able to fit inside your tiny body. I'm hoping that with you emptied out, that you might get your appetite back.

I just laid you down for bed, and gave you a bottle of diluted prune juice. I don't think you have ever had that, but you took it no problem!

It's crazy the things you do for your kids. I can't ever imagine administering an enema before becoming a mother. Though it was difficult to do, there was no question that I had to do it.

I love you, and hope you can forgive me!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pop Pop & GrAndi Visit!

Pop Pop and GrAndi came to visit you over Valentine's Day weekend!! You had a blast with them, especially Pop Pop. It's so strange that you have this preference for him over EVERYONE because you've actually had more contact with GrAndi. So interesting how you form relationships.

While Pop Pop and GrAndi were here, I heard you count to THIRTEEN!!!!! I couldn't believe it! You were walking the steps with GrAndi, and you both were counting and I thought you would stop at 10 because that's where you normally stop, but you kept going, and going, and going!!!!!! You are SO smart!

Oh and p.s. You're now 23 months old! I can't believe it and I'm still trying to figure out how to stop time and keep you little!!!!!!!

Love you!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Keys! Keys! Where are Daddy's Keys!!

Forgot to blog about this - thank you GrAndi for the reminder.

SO...last week, Daddy had "misplaced" his keys...for days!!! We both searched high and low, tearing apart the house. You have been known to play with keys/rings, and "misplace" them, but always we find them immediately. This time was different. We searched the closet (aka your potty room), in the couch (so we thought!), in toy boxes, in shoes, etc, and still nothing! After about 4 days, we searched the couch again. We lifted a cushion, and Daddy noticed a hole in the bottom of the couch (even below the cushion). He lifted the end of the couch, and all of a sudden we heard what sounded like keys!!!! I stuck my hand in the hole, tearing it even bigger, and low and behold...the mystery of the keys was solved!!!

Now, I'm not 100% convinced that you did this, but Daddy thinks you did! Who cares!?! The keys have been found!!! Lesson learned - keey EVERYTHING out of reach! :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Forgot to blog a couple of days ago, but when you take my phone, you now start saying people's names...it's so funny. Most often you'll say "pop pop," but just recently, you've been saying or asking rather for "Shayna" and "Hedder." Your Aunt Heather would freak out if she knew that you could say her name, but it's clear as day to me when you say it.

You're a little under the weather right now. Runny nose and cough! YUK!! You didn't nap yesterday or today, so I put you to bed about 20 min ago. Hopefully you'll sleep okay. You certainly slept well last night, sleeping until nearly 11:00am today! I couldn't believe it, but you did go to bed late.

Any ways...sleep tight!

Love you!