Wednesday, December 26, 2012

95% Potty Trained!!!!

So, I'd say that as of about 12/21/12 (the day the world was actually supposed to!), you became almost 100% potty trained. It was literally as if the world had ended because up until that point you weren't doing so great and I was getting OOBER worried!!! It was like you woke up one day and decided that you would just do it, and besides when you're asleep, you haven't had an accident (knock on wood!). You tell us when you have to go "peepies" and/or "poopies," and sometimes just go to the potty on your own and tell us after wards. It's fabulous!!!! Not sure how we're going to do the whole night time thing, but if it's anything like this, I'm hoping that one day it'll just happen!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Colds!

This week (wk of 12/17/12), you had a nasty nasty cold. I knew when I took you to school that there was a BIG possibility that I'd get the dreaded call that I needed to come get you. You were warm and just not yourself, but thankfully, you were able to stay most of the day. Daddy was leaving work early on 12/18/12, so he picked you up and took you to see Dr. Warner. Just a nasty cold, so that's good! I was getting worried with a weekend and holiday coming up, so better to be safe than sorry. :) We've been pumping you full of honey elixir, cough syrups and Vicks plug-ins and rub. At the doctor's, you were weighed, and you only weigh 32lbs!!!! You must be getting tall because I feel like you were not must smaller than that months ago. Makes sense, too, because you NEVER eat! I'm lucky to get maybe 1 full meal total in your body all day! Such a little nibbler!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Potty Training Progress???

Well, I'm still dreaming of the day that you're not in diapers, and well that day is here, but there's a twist. While you're not wearing "diapers," per se, you are wearing Princess Pull-Ups, which in my mind is PROGRESS!! You are refusing regular diapers, and only wanting to wear the pull-ups, and today (12/9/12), you told me you needed to go potty TWICE before going in your pull-up, making you dry for HOURS!!!! This was super. We are regressing a bit tonight - MAJOR meltdown, so I am not going to make you go potty tonight. Tomorrow is a new day, right?