Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Recently, your right cheek has been really red, and today your cheek was red w/ a patch of dry skin. I'm wondering if you have a little bit of Eczema. I'm putting vaseline and creams on it - trying to keep it moisturized. Poor thing!!! However; on a good note, we're going to Buffalo this weekend for the 4th of July. Can't wait to get you in the pool!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

PLEASE Tell Me You are Not Teething!?!?!??

So, you just turned 15wks and recently, you have become quite fussy, which is not like you at all. For a couple of weeks now, you have been drooling excessively. I have read that there have been some cases where babies have started teething at 3mo, but come on now...

You JUST starting rolling over (within days ago), and now this??? You're growing up too quickly!!!!!!!!!!!! It's making me sad.

I'm writing this as you're crying...hoping to get you some relief soon!

Friday, June 25, 2010

15wks and Turning Over!!!

Today you are 15wks, and you know what you did this morning!?!?!? You rolled over from your back to your right side and almost completly on your belly!!!!!! In my baby book, I didn't even do that until 8mo!!!!!!! You are so advanced!! :)

I took you to the mall today and we had a girl's day!! We bought you clothes...we bought me clothes and make up...had lunch together at Cheesecake Factory, and then came home to relax!!! Now we're waiting for daddy to get home from work so we can all go out to dinner together!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

14 Wks - Baby Naming & Father's Day

Well, you've entered into your 14th week of life...ALMOST 15wks! During your 14th week of life, you had your Hebrew baby naming, and celebrated daddy's 1st Father's Day!!

All of your Grandparents came in for your naming, even your Great Grandmother, Helene!! Clearly you were dressed to impress all weekend!!! At your naming, you listened so attentively to Rabbi Kamrass. It was almost like you knew what he was saying, or at least appeared to be interested.
We have the audio version of your naming on CD in case you ever want to listen to it. It was such a beautiful ceremony! Your Hebrew name is Tova Liora, and you are named for: Toby Rosen (mommy's grandmother); Lawrence Luterman (mommy's grandfather), Loretta Rogers (daddy's great grandmother) and Rae Cohen(daddy's great grandmother).

On Sunday, we celebrated daddy's 1st Father's Day with brunch at The Hilton. You slept through the whole thing! You know what we got daddy??? An IPAD!!!! You know what??? You love the IPAD, too!! Daddy downloaded the
Baby Einstein application and he plays videos for you. You just stare at the screen. It's so funny.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

13 Wks!!!

So, you're 13wks!!! I can't believe it!! You're starting to really smile on command, and ALMOST kind of make a giggling sound, but I don't know if it's full blown laughing yet...can't wait for that to happen!!!

Your grandparents (mommy and daddy's parents) AND Great Grandmother Helene are coming into town this weekend for your baby naming! I can't wait for you to see them!!! Clearly there will be Kodak moments!! It's also daddy's 1st Father's Day!! We have lots of special gifts for him!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mommy's At Work

This week (week of 6/7/10), I had to go back to work! :( I miss you to pieces little girl, but I know that you're in good hands. You're staying with my friend, Michelle, and her 2 girls, Izabella & Milena. Today is the 3rd day that you've been to Michelle's house and so far, all good reports!!! Being back at work doesn't feel right to me. Being at home feels better, but I need to work to make money so that you have everything you could ever want or need!! I never want you to go without...EVER!!

One more day of work and then it's Hailey and Mommy time!!!!!!!! I think we'll go to St. Elizabeth on Fri to get a weight check. You should be over 12lbs now.

Okay, back to work I go...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Out for an Evening (without you)

So, daddy and I went to our neighbor's wedding tonight, and left you at a neighbor's house (Donna/Keith). As much fun as we had, and as much fun as it sounded like you had, I never want to leave you again!! We checked in with Donna SOOO many times, and she said that you were kicking your leggies and smiling all night. When we picked you up, you were hysterical and remained that way for about 20 min. I got really upset and started crying. I'm worried that you don't know who daddy and I are anymore. I want to quit my job and stay home with you forever.

If only...........

We love you so much!

See you in the morning!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today You are 12 Wks. Old!!!

Today (6/4), you are 12wks old!!! I just cannot believe how the time has flown.

I have to go back to work on 6/7 for the first time since having you. It will be a rough day/week for mommy, but you'll be staying with Auntie Michelle, and playing with her girls, Izabella & Milena! She is going to take GREAT care of you while I'm at work. I have to go back to work to support the shopping habit you and I have developed. Speaking of...let's go!! :)