Tuesday, June 22, 2010

14 Wks - Baby Naming & Father's Day

Well, you've entered into your 14th week of life...ALMOST 15wks! During your 14th week of life, you had your Hebrew baby naming, and celebrated daddy's 1st Father's Day!!

All of your Grandparents came in for your naming, even your Great Grandmother, Helene!! Clearly you were dressed to impress all weekend!!! At your naming, you listened so attentively to Rabbi Kamrass. It was almost like you knew what he was saying, or at least appeared to be interested.
We have the audio version of your naming on CD in case you ever want to listen to it. It was such a beautiful ceremony! Your Hebrew name is Tova Liora, and you are named for: Toby Rosen (mommy's grandmother); Lawrence Luterman (mommy's grandfather), Loretta Rogers (daddy's great grandmother) and Rae Cohen(daddy's great grandmother).

On Sunday, we celebrated daddy's 1st Father's Day with brunch at The Hilton. You slept through the whole thing! You know what we got daddy??? An IPAD!!!! You know what??? You love the IPAD, too!! Daddy downloaded the
Baby Einstein application and he plays videos for you. You just stare at the screen. It's so funny.

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