Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Kozinn Cousins Meet!!

Yesterday (10/30), we took another plane ride to Kansas City, KS to meet your baby cousin, Shayna Rose. You were great on the flight, no real fussing. Surprising because when daddy and I looked in your mouth, your bottom left tooth had completely popped through the gums!!!!
It's coming in crooked, but hopefully when all of your other teeth come in, it will straighten itself out.

Baby Shayna is so tiny. I don't remember you being that small, but I know you were. i remember how quickly you grew out of your newborn clothes, so you must have been tiny! :) We took some really cute pictures of the two of you together. It's so funny to see you next to her because of the size difference.\

Grandma Betsy watched you and Shayna last night so that daddy and I, and your Uncle Jared & Aunt Margo could go to the movies. When we got back Uncle Jared's & Aunt Margo's apartment, you were asleep in the pack 'n play. They and Grandma Betsy said you could stay over so we didn't wake you, but I had SEVERE attachment issues. I actually started crying in the bedroom not wanting to leave you. Still to this day, I have never been away from you overnight. Oh April is going to be so hard - daddy and I are going on a cruise, but GrAndi will be there to stay with you. Luckily, you woke up and we took you with us! :)

Today, we're going to go shopping with Aunt Margo and Shayna! Daddy and Grandma Betsy are going to the Chiefs vs. Bills football game with Uncle Jared!! It's also Halloween - your 1st Halloween!
I have matching ladybug sleepers for you and Shayna! SO CUTE!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Getting Ready for Your 2nd Flight!!!

Today, I had some errands to do so Uncle Timmy came over to watch you for a couple of hours! You guys had lots of fun. He said that you really liked to look at yourself in the mirror! :)

Daddy is at work right now, but he'll be home so we can all go out for dinner! Where do you want to go?? Not many places serve pureed veggies!

Tomorrow we're taking you on your 2nd flight. We're flying to Kansas City to meet your new baby cousin, Shayna Rose!! You'll get to see Aunt Margo & Uncle Jared, and even Grandma Betsy!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mama's Little Active Girl!!

When I picked you up from Michelle's house today, you were so excited to see me! I LOVED THAT!! You got really excited, and tried to crawl as quickly as you could. You also were REALLY trying to stand! Michelle said the same thing. We both sat on the floor and watched you. You were like a table, both arms extended, both legs extend with a flat a table! :)

We just put you to bed, so hopefully you'll go right to sleep and have a better night than last night.

Sweet dreams!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sang You Right to Sleep!

Daddy had to work all weekend, so it was just you and me! We did some shopping (as usual), some playing (of course) and then some grocery shopping.

You didn't really take a nap today, so this afternoon, I tried to get you to take a nap. You fought pretty hard, but then I started singing "Hailey Had a Little Lamb," and you kind of just fell asleep on my chest. I love when you sleep on me. It reminds me of when you were little...REALLY little. I hope you always know that you can sleep on me! :)

Hopefully daddy will magically come home early so we can all play!

Love you!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2nd Swim Class, Mixed Veggies & Bumped Noggin'

Today you had your 2nd swim class! Daddy went in the water with you again, and you went under quite a bit today. I think you liked your first class better. Maybe you were just tired. You're quite the little fishy, though, because when you go under, you kick your legs and keep your eyesies open. Your poor eyesies were all red, but you didn't cry! You're a tough cookie!

After swimming, you fell right to sleep, so daddy and I went to eat breakfast. You slept almost the whole time! :)

Then, we watched some football. Daddy had to go into work, so we went to the store to get some formula and a baby outfit for our friends that we'll see tomorrow, Jason & Amanda. After that, we came home and you tried mixed vegetables and brown rice (pureed of course). You LOVED it! It's so funny that you prefer veggies over fruit. I guess that's good since fruits sometimes have a lot of sugars in them.

After dinner, you were playing and I was attempting to straighten up the kitchen. You bumped your head on the molding in the family room. Poor thing! You had a little bump on your forehead, so I tried to ice it.

Now, you're in your crib watching Baby Einstein videos. You've bumped your head in the crib twice now. I think we may have to invest in a bumper. The doctor said not to in the beginning. Something about babys can suffocate, but now that you're old enough, we may have to get it just so that the sides are a little softer if you should bump your head again.

I think bed time is slowly approaching. Wishing you sweet, sweet dreams of not bumping your head!!

Love you!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

2nd Flu Vaccine.

Today we went to your doctor's appt for your 2nd dose of the Flu vaccine. You cried for just a few minutes and then took your bottle. You are so good at the doctor!!

I had Dr. Warner weigh you and measure you. At 32wks (today), you weighed in at 18lbs exactly and have grown to 28in in length!!! You are quite the growing little flower!!!

After your doctor's appt, we went to visit daddy at work. He was so excited to see you. He was showing you off to everyone!!!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Someone's Clapping!!!!

Today, you got to spend the morning with daddy. Daddy sent me a text message and said that you started clapping!!! When I picked you up tonight from Michelle's house, she asked me, "have you seen Hailey clap"? And just like that, I started a clapping motion and you followed!!! It was so cute!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Swim Lessons & Kinman Farms Pumpkin Patch

Today was a very exciting day!! We started off by taking you to your first swim lessons at Five Seasons Country Club over in Edgewood, KY (city where you were born). You did AWESOME!!! I took pictures while daddy was in the water with you. You learned to float on your back and tummy, and daddy even dunked you! I don't think you cried at all actually. I have such great pictures of you.

Then, we went to breakfast. I think you were so tired from swimming that you napped on our way to breakfast, and then slept through breakfast. You continued sleeping until we got to Kinman Farms Pumpkin Patch in Burlington, KY (city where we live now). You sat in the pumpkin patch, and then pet some of the animals. We have GREAT pictures of this, as well.

And now you're just waking up from a 2.5 hour nap!!!!!! What a great day it has been!

Friday, October 15, 2010

31 Weeks and a Possible Tooth Poking Through!!

Good Morning, sunshine!! Today is your 31st week of life!!!! WELCOME! :) You woke up as smiley as can be, which I love!! I always start my days off best when I see that little smile of yours. I was looking in your mouth, and I saw a little white just under the surface of your gummies! I'm certain this little tooth is going to poke through within days! It's right where I thought your 1st tooth would be...bottom center left tooth (if that makes sense). If I'm looking at you, it would look like the bottom center right tooth (but it's really the left).

You're in your crib right now having a little snack. I'm going to get you dressed, and then we're going to do some errands. I have to run to the post office to mail something for daddy because I couldn't find my stamps yesterday!!

You know what we're doing tomorrow!?!?!? You have your 1st swim lesson at Five Seasons Country Club!!! After that, we're going to go get some breakfast (probably First Watch), and then I am hoping to take you to a pumpkin patch so that you can pick out your first pumpkin!!!! Clearly a picture moment!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stage 2 Foods & Standing Up in Crib!!!!

Last night (10/12/10), I gave you mixed vegetables (which is a stage 2 food). You looooooved it. Gobbled it right down!

Today (10/13/10), when I picked you up from Michelle's house, you know what she told me??? She told me that she had this inkling to go upstairs during your nap. She had the monitor downstairs with her, and although you were silent, something told her to go upstairs to check on you. You know what she found!?!?!? She found you standing up in your pack 'n play, leaning over the railing!!!!!! She quickly grabbed you, and lowered the pack 'n play mattress. This is the 1st time that you got yourself up by yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now as I type this blog, you are sitting to the right of me, just staring at me. I love you so much; everything about you!!! I am so lucky!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tooth May Be Poking Through!!!

You have been really fussy tonight, and daddy was playing with you and he thought he noticed a little white poking through your gums. I checked your mouth, and although I don't see any white, I do see where there is a lot of puffiness (almost a whitish color) around the left, bottom, center-most tooth area. I'm certain this will pop through within days. I gave you a little Infant Tylenol and some baby orajel. Hoping this will help ease the pain.

Sweet dreams!!!!!!!!!!

Cheesecake Factory AGAIN + Plane Ride Home

On Sunday, we went to a new mall - Bridgewater Mall. There, we met GrAndi's and Grandpa Howard's friends, Arnold & Michelle Dunn. They loved you, and thought you were beautiful (as you are!!!!). While driving around at the mall, GrAndi and I found a new Cheesecake Factory. Although we had eaten at one yesterday, we decided to go back, but this time, I snuck the credit card into the bill and paid for everyone!!! :) I'm so sneaky!!! No whipped cream fight at this meal, but you loved the mirrors that were above our seats. I had you standing on the seat, and you just stared at yourself. It was soooo cute!!

When we got home, we took a lot of pictures outside.

They turned out so pretty!! There were so many pictures, that we lost track of time looking at them. We had to rush to the airport because we had to fly home yesterday. :( I rushed so quickly that I forgot the cooler with your formula!!!!! Luckily, I had a small bottle with formula, and a travel bottle.

You were a little fussy on the flight home, but overall did GREAT!!!! Next time we fly, we'll be flying with daddy to Kansas City to meet your new baby cousin, Shayna!!!

You went right to sleep last night. I think you were so out of sorts from the weekend and being in a new place that you just gave into that wonderful thing called sleep!!! I hope you had sweet dreams. You must have because I had to wake you up at 8:00am this morning!!! You would've slept the entire day away. :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Whipped Cream Fights & Mango!

Today we went to Menlo Park Mall!! Of course we had to eat at The Cheesecake Factory because it's my favorite restaurant. GrAndi had a coupon for $5 off cheesecake, so we ordered a slice (and a side of whipped cream for you). :) I tried to feed you sweet potatoes, but you weren't having it. I tried the bottle, but you wanted no part of that, either. SO, I caved and let you have some whipped cream. Grandpa Howard was holding you, and you kept reaching for the bowl. Because it was making you smile so much, I just let you stick your hand in the bowl and "taste" the cream. YOU LOVED IT!!!! You kept putting your hand in the bowl, and lots would fall on Grandpa, and it was ALL over your face/hands. I have SOOOO many pics! It was so funny. Grandpa was laughing so hard.

When we got home from the mall, GrAndi put some frozen mango in a baby toy with netting. You sucked on the mango and LOVED that too. Using this toy is a great way for you to eat fruits/vegetables!

You haven't taken any naps today (except for 15-20 min naps in the car), so I am hoping that you'll fall asleep tonight. You're all out of sorts, it seems.

Going to put you to bed in a couple of hours.

Love you!!

You're a BIG Cousin!!!

Guess what!?!?!? Your Aunt Margo went into labor yesterday and at 7:15pm, you became a BIG cousin!!! Your new cousin's name is Shayna Rose Kozinn. We're going to fly to Kansas City for Halloween and spend the weekend with your Aunt Margo, Uncle Jared and Cousin Shayna Rose. I can't wait to take pics of you and Shayna!!! They will be so cute because you both are so close in age - 7 months!!

1st Plane Ride!!

So, yesterday (10/8/10), you went on your first plane ride!!! You were such a good girl!! Originally we were seated next to a nice gal, but then the stewardesses (who loved you, by the way!!!) let us move to the last row in the plane because there were 2 empty seats!!! This was soooo much better because I had you on the 2nd seat, laying down/sitting up, etc.

You cried for about 5 minutes when we first started to descend, but other than that, you did awesome!!! You fell asleep as we were landed, and didn't wake up until we walked off the plane. When we arrived, GrAndi and Great Aunt Een were waiting for us!!! We're hopefully going to get to visit again with Great Aunt Een, Great Uncle Lars and Cousins, Sean & Rob, tomorrow, but if not, I am so glad you got to at least see Great Aunt Een! She loooooooves you so much!!!

You also got to see your Aunt Heather! She and Reese (her doggy) drove up to see you. Your Aunt Heather loves you so much!

You're having a rough time adjusting, but I think it's because I had to get you up at 5:40am yesterday for our flight! :( I think your teethies may also be trying to poke through. Poor thing!!

You finally fell asleep around 11:15pm.

Sweet dreams!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Getting Your Balance

I forgot to blog a couple of days ago, but on Tues. (10/5), we stood you up, and leaned you on the ottomon in the family room and although you wobbled a little bit, you were standing!!! I did it again last night, same thing - standing!!! You have such great balance. I can't believe it!!!

You know what we're doing tomorrow!?!?!?! We're flying to visit my parents!! This will be the first time that you're on a plane. I hope you're not too scared. I plan to bring either your laptop, or daddy's IPAD (if he'll let me), and formula & toys. Hopefully I can keep you occupied for the 90min flight!!! We also just booked your second flight. We'll be flying in about 3 weeks to Kansas City to meet your new baby cousin. It will be strange to hold another baby, but I know it will remind me of when you were that small. How you have grown!!!!!!

Okay...back to work I go. :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

We Lowered Your Crib!!!

Last night, daddy and I lowered your crib because when you're on all fours, your head was taller than the railing!!! :( We were getting worried that you would be able to pull yourself up, and escape, or WORSE...fall out!!!!!!

Just another sign that you're growing up WAY TOO quickly! a few days, you're going to go on your first plane ride with me (I hope the sounds don't scare you)!! Daddy has to work, but we're going to go visit my parents (GrAndi & Grandpa Howard). Aunt Heather is going to come up and visit with us, too. AND, on Sunday, you may get to see your Great Aunt Een, Great Uncle Lars, and Cousins, Sean & Rob.

Almost time to leave work - hehe!! Guess I shouldn't be blogging at work, but whatever!! I love talking/writing about you!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Rookwood, Sitting Up & Sippy Cups!!

We have had such a great day today! You are 29 wks! We started today by going to the gym. Then, we met my friend, Amanda, and her baby, Naomi Jane, at Rookwood.
We did a little shopping, and then had some lunch at Max & Erma's. After that, we left Rookwood and went to Babies R Us so that I could get you softer tip sippy cups (you aren't so sure about these sippy cup things), apple juice and rice crackers. You seemed to like the rice crackers. I have to sanitize the new sippy cups, but we'll try them later this weekend. And my favorite part of this day so far is that I was just sitting here, and one minute you were crawling around, and the next minute you were sitting straight up!! You sat up BY YOURSELF for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now you're screaming...

Guess I have to stop blogging........for now.

Later that same day, I put diluted apple juice in your Hailey sippy cup and you figured out how to use it!!!!!!!