Saturday, October 16, 2010

Swim Lessons & Kinman Farms Pumpkin Patch

Today was a very exciting day!! We started off by taking you to your first swim lessons at Five Seasons Country Club over in Edgewood, KY (city where you were born). You did AWESOME!!! I took pictures while daddy was in the water with you. You learned to float on your back and tummy, and daddy even dunked you! I don't think you cried at all actually. I have such great pictures of you.

Then, we went to breakfast. I think you were so tired from swimming that you napped on our way to breakfast, and then slept through breakfast. You continued sleeping until we got to Kinman Farms Pumpkin Patch in Burlington, KY (city where we live now). You sat in the pumpkin patch, and then pet some of the animals. We have GREAT pictures of this, as well.

And now you're just waking up from a 2.5 hour nap!!!!!! What a great day it has been!

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