Saturday, November 27, 2010

1st Thanksgiving!!!

On Thurs. (11/25), we celebrated your 1st Thanksgiving!! We went to one of my favorite restaurants, Houlihan's. Everyone except me ordered a traditional Thanksgiving meal, which included turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cornbread and cranberries. I ordered my favorite salad from there, the Asian Chicken Chop Chop!! It's soooo good! I think next year we'll do a traditional Thanksgiving dinner at our house. You'll be older and will be able to appreciate the yummy food!!!

After dinner, daddy had to pack because he had to fly home early for work. :( I was so sad that I cried. I think he was upset, too, because he kept calling us and emailing us from the airplane.

The day after Thanksgiving is called "Black Friday." It's a day full of shopping. Most people get up before the sun to go shopping...NOT US!! However; we did go to a beautiful mall in Orlando, FL and then to a really nice outlet mall! I bought you a couple pajama sets from Gymboree because they were 50% off!! After shopping, we went to a Mexican buffet! DELISH!!! (Daddy and I had actually gone there before our date night). We gave you some tortillas to play with and munch on!

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