Monday, July 18, 2011


So, I had this great plan for you to play with Callie and her kids today, but things didn't pan out that way. You woke up sounding horribly, and really warm!!!! I knew that I had to stay home with you, and take you to the doc. I waited until 8am to call Dr. Warner, and when I called, she was on vacation!!!!! SO, I took you to Urgent Care and you were seen immediately. Poor thing - you have an upper respiratory infection and bronchitis. :( You're on antiobiotics, Claritin and using the pro-air inhaler again. :( I feel so bad for you - all these different liquids. The doctor said that using the inhaler makes you more suspectible to bronchial infections. Looks like there's another thing you and daddy share. Besides you looking exactly like him, you both need inhalers. I'm hoping yours is just temporary, and you don't really develop Asthma. I though I had Asthma, but I took a test and passed. :) I'm just out of shape! Ha!

I talked to Skidaddles, and as long as you remain fever-free, you're good to go!!! Daddy will stay with you in the morning tomorrow so I can go to work, and then he'll take you to Skidaddles around 12. I'll pick you up on my way home around 5:30pm. I hope you have fun - it's music week!!!!

Couple more days and we go on vacation to Buffalo and Toronto!!! It's supposed to be hot, hot, hot!!!!!! Pool days! Yay!

Sleep well!!! I hope you feel better and wake up smiling again!! :)


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