Friday, August 12, 2011

Someone Likes the Slide!!!

Happy 17th Month Birthday!!!!! Today we celebrated your 17th month of life (well, outside of my belly) going to the Boone County Arboretum, Skyline Chili, and then to Florence Mall where you played at the indoor playground!

As you can see in the picture, you LOVED the slide at the arboretum!
I can't believe we had never gone there before. I think Michelle has taken you there, but wow, what a find! As long as I'm guarding the entrance, I can pretty much just let you loose!!!!
You also had fun at the mall playground, but there was a wide open exit which you found quickly, and RAN!!! When I caught you, you threw quite the hissy, so we left. You can't scream like that in public places...nope!

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