Monday, November 7, 2011

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes...

We had another FUN-FILLED weekend. On Friday, I figured out that you know 8 body parts!!! I was changing you when you woke up Friday morning, and just asked you to point to the body parts that I was saying and you did it!!! You didn't really know mouth at that time, but learned it quickly. SO, at 19 months, you're able to point to your head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly, hands and feet. I think your favorite body part is your belly. You lift your shirt up, and giggle. It's so funny!

On Saturday, we took you to tumbling. You had a blast, as usual. You also got your first birthday party invitation of the year. It's Mady's 3rd and Lucas's 1st birthday party on 11/19/11. Can't wait!! Saturday night, after we got a new car (YAY!!!), I took you to play with my friend Kayla's, kids, Bailey & Brooklyn. You had a BLAST!!!!!!! They have so many toys and you just had a ball. This was so cute, too - when we were getting ready to leave, I asked you to go give Bailey a hug/kiss, and you did!!!! It was the cutest thing in the world. You are such a sweet girl. You sometimes give me kisses (mostly hugs), but man, if I ask you to go up to daddy and give him a hug/kiss, you're already hugging him before I finish asking! You love your daddy sooooooo much!

Saturday night we had to turn back our clocks which is great for us, but not so much for kiddos!!! LUCKILY, it didn't affect you and you just slept, and slept and slept!! (THANK YOU!!)

On Sunday, we took you to Barleycorn's for the Bill's game! You didn't really nap at all on Sunday (mnaybe that was from the time change), but you lasted about the first half. Everytime people clapped, you clapped. It was so cute!

This morning (11/7/11), when I dropped you off at Skidaddles, you wanted no part of it unless I stayed with you. You hugged my legs (which I secretly loved). I had to go, though, so I had to pick you up, hug and kiss you and then I gave you to Miss Nikki. You cried this morning, it made me so sad!!!! Hopefully you felt better after a few minutes. Can't wait to see you after work!!!!!!!!!!!

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