Saturday, March 10, 2012

GrAndi, Pop Pop, GaGa & Pop Pop Marc are here for your 2nd Birthday!!!!!!

I cannot believe you're ABOUT to turn 2 years old!!!! Where has the time gone??

GrAndi has been here since Tuesday so that she could help me get everything ready for the party, and let's not with laundry! :) You guys got to spend all Thursday together, and had a blast!!! You have a new game: You close the door, and then the person on the other side knocks. You then open the door to see who it is, or if they're hiding, and then run back behind the door and do it all over again...if we didn't stop you, you'd do this all day! Ha!

Pop Pop flew in last night, and GaGa & Pop Pop Marc drove in, too! We all met at a restaurant called John Phillips. They have this gourmet mac & cheese which you loved (as did I!). I had you dressed in this 4T (only size I could find) rose-colored shirt that said "BIG SIS" on it. You had yellow leggings, and I had a fleece on top of that. You were sitting on daddy's lap, facing everyone, and I just said "Adam, take off her fleece, it's getting warm." As daddy was doing this, I was filming with my i-phone! Best video EVER! Everyone was so shocked!

March has been quite a month so far. You're turning 2! You're getting a sibling! Daddy got this amazing new job at Amazon! AND...we're putting the house up for sale on Monday and hopefully moving into this new, bigger home near daddy's work!!! SO MUCH CHANGE!!!

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