Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Early Bird Special - Hailey Elana makes her debut"

Date: March 12, 2010
Time: 8:02 pm

After 38wks and 6 days, you decided to grace the world with your presence. Daddy and I are so excited that you are finally here!!

The day you were born was quite unexpected. I had a scheduled doctor's appt at 9:40am, however; when I woke up that day, my water had already started to break. When we arrived at the doctor's office, I was told to go to the hospital. Already prepared, we unloaded our stuff and "checked into" Rm. 1314 at St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Edgewood, KY.

My labor was progressing, however; Dr. Woeste, my doctor, administered Pitocin to speed up the labor and delivery process. The Pitocin definitely hurried things up, as you were delivered after a few quick pushes at 8:02 pm. You were perfect - 10 little fingers and 10 little toes. You weighed 6lbs 14oz and were 19.5 inches long. You had QUITE a head full of hair - it was a light shade of brown with natural, blonde highlights. Your eyes were a grayish blue color, and you had 2 big dimples (just like me!)

All of your grandparents were there to see you. My parents were driving so quickly to see you that they got a speeding ticket!! Your Uncle Max and Aunt Kinneret drove in to see you that night, as well. Uncle Jared, Aunt Margo and Aunt Heather were not able to come the night you were born, but plan to visit you very soon!!

We stayed at the hospital until March 14, 2010 before being discharged home. Over the course of the next few days, many of our friends came to see you. Everyone kept saying how beautiful you were, including some nurses who kept coming into the room just to see your smiling face.

On March 14, 2010, around 3:30 pm, we drove you home. Daddy drove SO slowly, but that's because we had precious cargo - YOU!! We were so excited to introduce you to your "big sister," Honey. As expected, Honey loved you. She kept going up to you, sniffing your face, and giving you lots of kisses. Honey is very protective of you, and whenever you cry, she runs from wherever she is to make sure you're okay.

Hailey, we are so blessed that you are here! We love you more than words can describe.

All our love,
Mommy and Daddy

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