Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Is Back Really Best???

Before you were even born, daddy and I were told during birthing classes that tummy time with parents is very important. We may have gone overboard on the tummy time because you HATE sleeping on your back and absolutely refuse to sleep in your crib!! You're a smart little cookie because I will let you fall asleep on my chest, but the minute I walk you to the crib, you wake up and cry!!!

Although we were told that tummy time is important, you're not allowed to sleep on your tummy - it's actually a rule!!! BACK IS BEST is even printed on some gowns and swaddling blankets. When daddy and I were babies, tummy was best. If only we could let you sleep on your belly, I know you'd sleep in your crib!!

Your grandmother (my mommy) went out and bought a bassinet and a wedge tonight. We're going to try putting the bassinet in our room to see if that helps - maybe knowing that we're right there will help you sleep. Also, we're going to try the wedge because I don't think you like to sleep perfectly flat.

On a different note...I am really noticing some GREAT cognitive changes. You're better able to focus on faces, and actually smiled a few times (not while sleeping) while looking at me!! Warmed my heart!!!!

Sweet dreams, Hailey!! :)

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