Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fun with Friends and Climbing Stairs!!

This weekend was filled with friends!! On Friday, you got to hang out with baby Paxton, who is 6.5 months old. You had a BLAST with him! Paxton's mommy, Ashley, and I tried to get you two to kiss, but it just wasn't happening, which I suppose is a good thing - I couldn't bare the thought of you REALLY dating!!!! Lord help me when it comes time for you to really date...

On Saturday we were supposed to go swimming, but you threw up. :( You threw up once in the morning, and then spit up shortly after that, but then were fine the rest of the day. We stayed in pretty much the entire day.

Today, we met Auntie Laura at the outlet malls.
Right before we left, do you know what you did????? You climbed an ENTIRE flight of steps! I couldn't believe did it without any problems at all. Now getting down the steps?? Well, we haven't quite figured that out.

You're a little fussy right now, but hopefully you'll go to sleep soon.


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