Today was also the first day that we put you in your new big girl carseat!! I don't know about you, but I loved it! It's sooooo roomy, and it has 2 cupholders! It feels really soft. I hope you like it!! You know what I don't like about you being in a different carseat? I could take your old one in and out, and pop it in the stroller, but if you fall asleep in this new one, I have to wake you up to take you out. :(
Tonight you were talking up a storm. Actually this whole weekend you were talking so much. I think it had a lot to do with Grandpa's IPAD application, "Talking Tom the Cat." It is so funny. It's a kitty cat that you can talk to, and it repeats what you say. So, you can only imagine the funny things it would say because you were just talking, talking, talking!!! I downloaded it on daddy's IPAD, too, so you can talk to Tom whenever you want. I really think it will help you learn to talk.
You said a new sound tonight - "go go." You don't know what it means, but it's so funny to hear new sounds!
Well, I just put you to sleep, so I better get to sleep myself. Sweet dreams!!!
xoxo Love you!
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