Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy 1st Valentine's Day!!

Today is your 1st Valentine's Day!! I dressed you in a really cute Valentine's Day t-shirt! I have a Valentine's Day present for you at home - a GIGANTIC pink stuff animal with arms so you can hug it, and it can hug you! Grandma Betsy & Grandpa Marc sent you a pink stuffed dog, and 2 cute outfits. You were rolling around on the floor last night with the pink dog.
Grandma Andi & Grandpa Howard sent you a big box of stuff, which should be at the house today!

I still feel terrible about your poor little face. It looks a little bit better, more like a thick red scratch. :( I'll pick up safety locks for the cabinets/drawers tonight! Can't have my precious little girl getting into anything!

When I picked you up from Michelle's and got you home, you started coughing immediately.
It sounds like you have a lot of phlegm in your throat, and you keep coughing, but it isn't helping. You also had a fever of 100 degrees, which is SO not like you. You were really uncomfortable tonight, but ultimately fell asleep on your heart pillow! :) Good thing you're home with daddy tomorrow.

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