Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ice Cream!

You got to spend the whole day with daddy today!!! He said that you took a couple of small steps for him, too!! I'm so glad that he got to see you take some of your first steps!!

Daddy had to go to school tonight, so you got to play with me tonight! You played a lot with your walker, but did not do a whole lot of steps for me. :( I guess you'll walk when you're ready. :)

I had a sugar craving, so I had some of my low-carb ice cream! YUMMM! It was delish!! I gave you teeny tiny shavings of it, and you LOVED it! Though you don't know the words, I could definitely tell that you were frustrated if I didn't give you more in a specific time frame. You would almost stomp and growl at me! Ha! It was so funny. Daddy doesn't think I should be giving you ice cream, but it will be our little secret! :) Maybe I'll get you some of your own ice cream, since this is low-carb, and has artificial sweeteners.

Well, it's POURING outside, and you're in your crib - HOPEFULLY asleep!! You seem to sleep right through storms, so hopefully this one isn't any different!

Sweet dreams!!!


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