Friday, June 17, 2011

15 month check up

Today you went for your 15-month check up. You weighed in at 23lbs and grew to 31.25 inches. Dr. Warner wants me to throw away your bottles - she told me to do that at your 12 month appt. IS SHE NUTS????????? I'm not ready to do that to you, and I know you're certainly not ready to give them up.

You had to get 2 vaccinations, and an anemia test. You're negative on Anemia - YAY!! Dr. Warner said that with the MMR vaccination, you may develop a 102-103 degree fever in about a week. She said this is normal. Hopefully you don't get this because fevers are NO fun!!

You're napping right now. Hopefully you wake up energized and ready to play!!!!

Love you!

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