Sunday, June 12, 2011

Your 15-months Old Today!!!

Today you're 15 months old! I just cannot believe it, but it hasn't been easy...these last couple of weeks. The past 8-9 days or so you've almost entered what I am hoping is just a phase...if this is what the "Terrible Twos" are going to be like, whoosh............

Daddy had to work this weekend, but we had fun yesterday. I bought one of those blow up pools, and you had a ball.

I blew it up while you were taking a nap, and then I sat in it for an hour! It's fabulous!!! When you woke up, you got right in it, and played with your toys. Honey even jumped in!!!! Then, we went to dinner with Uncle Tim and Aunt Mandy. They love you so much...they were fighting on who would sit next to you. :) Such a lucky girl...I hope you know that.

OOOPS...I forgot to add that you also said "Ny Ny" for night night today! It was sooooo cute!!!!!! You don't really know that it's for when you go to sleep, but it's so cute when you say it!!

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