Thursday, March 31, 2011

1st Poopy in the Potty!!!

We're both still sick, but I had to go to work today, so you got to play at Michelle's. When I dropped you off, you had such a runny nose. I showed Michelle all the goodies we brought including Pedialyte and Tylenol! :) I checked up on you a lot today, and got all good reports. My favorite report was around 4:00pm. You made a big girl poopy in the big girl potty!!!!! Michelle said that she could see and hear you grunting. She checked your diaper, but nothing had happened yet...SO, she sat you on the potty. Though you cried for a few minutes, you ended up making what I was told to be a GIANT poop!!!! :) She and the girls clapped for you, so you clapped too!!!! How exciting! You are growing up so quickly!!!!

As for your cold, you still have a stuffy nose, but you are in much better spirits. I think your fever finally broke which is GREAT!!!!!!!

I just put you to sleep. I folded up a crib pad under your crib sheet to elevate you a little. I read that online this morning that it can help with nasal congestion. Hopefully you'll be back to your silly self soon!!!!


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