Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fun in the Pool & Sippy Cups!!

Today you went with Michelle, Izabella & Milena to Silverlake
Rec Center to swim. You had a blast, as you can see.

After playing in the pool, all of you (except Michelle) passed out in the car.

On our way home, I let you have the bottle in the car, but once we got home, we only used sippy cups. I was reading articles today about how to wean your baby off the bottle, and one suggestion was to give you a cup with nothing in it, and let you play with it. SO, I took a plain, yellow sippy cup and let you play with it for a few minutes.
Then, I took it away and put ice water in it. Though a lot of the water got on you, you definitely drank most from the sippy cup. You ate diced chicken again, and then had a little Sprouts pasta. Later tonight, I gave you a plain, pink sippy cup. I let you play with it, and then put formula in it. You seemed to drink from this sippy cup (same cup, different color) more than the yellow, probably because the formula has a taste, whereas water does not. The tough part tonight was when we went to sleep. Though I had a bottle ready to give you, I tried giving you the sippy cup. You did cry on and off for about 10 minutes, but ultimately fell asleep. I just went in a few minutes ago to grab the cup from your crib, and it was empty (lid still on). I probably should have given you the bottle tonight, but good to know that you were able to soothe yourself to sleep. I know it will get easier as time goes on.

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