Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mommy is Sick. Hailey is Sick.

This has been a REALLY rough week for you and mommy! Let's start off by saying you had your first photoshoot for a business on Sun. 3/27. It was kind of during your afternoon naptime, so you were a little fussy. Luckily, they let us do your photos first!!!! You were in a REALLY cute black and white Mudpie outfit - I probably will have to buy it!

That same day, I started feeling a little sick. I had a really bad headache and my throat was starting to hurt. Normally, these things pass me by the next day. NOT THIS TIME!!! I woke up the next morning, and it was worse. I took some DayQuil, and actually felt better towards the middle of the day, but decided to use part of a sick day to go to Urgent Care JUST BECAUSE if something really is wrong, I needed medication quickly. I didn't want to get you sick, and we have a trip to Buffalo next weekend, and then daddy and I are going on vacation (sniff sniff!!). When I got to Urgent Care, they did a Flu test and a Strep test. I didn't have the Flu, but I sure had Strep!! The doctor ordered a Penicillin shot (in my tushy!!!) and then gave me a script for oral Penicillin. I stayed home the rest of the day, as well as Tuesday.

On Wednesday (TODAY), you woke up around 4:30am with a low-grade fever and a really runny nose. I didn't want to leave you at Michelle's today, so I took you with me to work for a few hours.
I was able to get a few things done, and then we came back home to rest. Dr. Warner would not see you. She said that children under 2 don't get Strep, and that sometimes they may get something called Strep of the nose, but they don't treat for that. She suggested that I give you Tylenol and keep you hydrated. SO, that's what I've done. You've already had 8oz of Pedialyte, and I just put you down for your second nap. Hopefully you're able to rest, poor thing.

We have to get better! We have BIG plans in the next couple of weeks!!!

Love you!!!

Any day (paid or not) is worth staying home with you.

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