Thursday, December 30, 2010

2 steps and a Visit from Grandma/Grandpa Rosen!!

Yesterday (12/29), you climbed 2 steps!!!!!! It's funny, you seem to climb when Honey's leash is on the stairs. Once you get to it, you stop, so I started moving it and all of a sudden you climbed another step! When you got to the 2nd step, you weren't really sure what to do, so you extended your leg and went backwards, back down to the floor.

Soon after, we had to get in the car to pick up Grandma & Grandpa Rosen!!! They were SO excited to see you!!!

Today (12/30), we took you to your favorite place - KENWOOD MALL!! Grandma, you and I all had our black northfaces and black uggs on.
Grandpa took a picture!! I can't wait to see it!!! We had lunch, of course, at The Cheesecake Factory. You were GREAT!!! You ate sourdough bread, mashed bananas and delicious mashed potatoes! Then, we went to visit daddy at Target because he was working. He was so excited to see you that he carried you around the store introducing you to people! :)

And now we're getting ready to go get Mexican!!! Yum!! Daddy and I are going to go see a movie, and you are going to hang out with Grandma & Grandpa! :)

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