Friday, December 3, 2010

Your Last Week as an 8 Month Old!!!

Today you entered in your last full week of being 8 months old. Again I sound like a broken record, but I just can't believe you're going to be 9 months old next Friday!

We went to visit a new baby friend today, baby Lucas Igo. You were so good with him, although you definitely wanted to hold him. Ha! You're too little for that, however; compared to him, you looked like a giant!
Amanda, Lucas's mommy, has a pet cat named Hank. I think this may have been our first time around a cat, but you loved him! You definitely wanted to play with him, and loved his tail hit your face. Hank ran upstairs, and you crawled right over to the stairs to find him. One you did, you definitely tried to climb the steps (lifted one leg and everything), but luckily, you weren't able to get up there...yet. Only a matter of time, I'm sure.

Right now, we're watching a movie called Happy Feet. It's about penguins. A few times I have caught you actually watching it. This movie has a GREAT soundtrack, which I think you like. PLUS, there are great colors in this movie which I think are catching your eye.

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