Saturday, December 25, 2010

Your 1st Christmas being Jewish!

Today is Christmas, but we don't celebrate it because we're Jewish. We celebrated Chanukkah a few weeks ago. Remember??? You got all those books, clothes, and toys??? I know, we'll have to do better next year because you seem to get books, clothes and toys all year round. We'll have to do a better job differentiating between every day and Chanukkah!!

Last year around this time, daddy and I were visiting your Aunt Margo and Uncle Jared in St. Louis. I was still pregnant with you. We took you (my belly) to a hockey game and everytime someone scored, you would move around a lot. Maybe when you're older (and sounds don't bother you as much), we'll take you to a hockey game.

For lunch, we went to Taj India. Indian food is daddy's FAVORITE...not mine, but I compromised because we're getting my favorite (CHINESE) tonight for dinner! After lunch, we went to visit Auntie Michelle and the girls! We watched a dancing movie with lots of great music. You were sitting/standing in your walker and actually looked like you were dancing. After awhile, you took a little nap, but I woke you up too soon and you were not happy with me. :( Your poor tummy must still be upset because you woke up with a messy diaper. Looks like more pedialyte for you.

Now we're getting ready to go get some Chinese at our favorite buffet, Empire Buffet! Michelle, Brett & the girls are going to come with us!!! You're going to have so much fun!!

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