Monday, December 20, 2010


So, last night you had diarrhea a couple of times, but I chalked it up to possibly the food I gave you yesterday morning - roasted pears & apricots. I was going to try the rest of the food on you last night, but you kept having diarrhea, so only gave you formula. You seemed fine this morning, but then I got a few text messages from Auntie Michelle who said that you still were having diarrhea, and had vomited once. She gave you green beans, and I think you may have gotten sick after that. I called the doctor, and she said that you probably just had a little stomach bug, and to give you Pedialyte. You did not have a fever, so that was good.

Since you've been home, you've had one dirty diaper, and it just had small pieces of diarrhea. It was not runny, but more in small piece form, and a greenish color - almost like the green beans. Daddy brought you 2 flavors of Pedialyte, well, actually just one (orange). The other one had no flavor, but it did have the electrolytes which are important when you're sick. You seem to like the orange flavor. Dr. Warner wants us to give you Pedialyte, and if you're able to keep it down for 8 hours, we can give you formula again. Your poor private parts, though, are so irritated. :( I put lots of Desitin and vaseline down there, so hopefully it will make you feel better.

Luckily daddy is off work tomorrow, and goes in late on Wed. He will take good care of you!!!!!

Feel better, love!!!


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