Tuesday, October 4, 2011

1st Cuspid Tooth!!!

So, you're very 1st cuspid (incisor) tooth is coming through and things are a little rough right now. Soon after your 18 month check up, I noticed a rash near your private area. It suddenly turned to diaper rash with a yeast infection!!!!! You started running a fever about 5 days into having the rash, and I had to come get you early from Skidaddles. SO...I took that opportunity to bring you into Dr. Warner. She prescribed you a cream, and after a few days, things definitely seem to be looking better. Now we're waiting for your tooth to come all the way through. I hope all of your cuspid teeth aren't like that, or we're in for a rough ride of LOTS of Motrin, Baby Orajel, frozen treats and whatever else I can find!!!!!!!!

Oh, tonight (10/4) was so funny. After I picked you up from Skidaddles, we went to Kroger. Daddy knew that we were going there because I had told him, so I kind of suspected that he might meet us there. We were walking around the vegetables, and all of a sudden you were leaning, pointing and saying "there's da da!" At first I thought you were just calling random people "da da," but then I turned and sure enough, daddy was there trying to surprise us! You ratted him out!!! Haha! It was so funny!!!

Sleep tight buttercup!! I put a plug-in humidifier in tonight, so I hope it helps you sleep - you still have a little cough left.

Love you!

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