Saturday, October 15, 2011

3rd Cuspid & "Put Your Hands Up!"

Just before we took you to Skidaddles so mommy and daddy could have date night, I noticed that another little white point was coming through - this is on your top right. At least it seems to be coming in with the top left one! Now it's just that bottom left we're waiting on, which I imagine will be any day now.

After we picked you up, well, first let me brag a little. When we picked you up, one of the girls at Skidaddles said "...She is just so cute. She really is beautiful" of course in reference to you!!!!!!!! We already know all this about you, but it's so nice to hear from other people. :) We stopped for ice cream - Pumpkin ice cream! You liked it, but only wanted a few tastes before sipping on the rest of your milk. :) YOU LOVE MILK!!! Haha! Guess it could be worse, right??? When we got home, I was playing around with you, and took your hands with mine and raised them in the air. I was giggling and said "put your hands up" and soon after, you followed!!!! It's so cute! I think you might have started learning that in tumbling class because before we do a somersault, you have to put your hands way in the air, then squat down, put your hands in the air and tuck your head down.

I love that you're really starting to understand commands. One of my favorites is when you offer us food. Yesterday you were offering daddy cheese crackers, but he didn't want anymore. SO...we said, "give it to bunny" and you did just that! I can't remember if I mentioned this in my previous entries, but you're starting to refer to Honey as her own name..."Honey" rather than "di di." You still say both, but it's so funny to hear you said "Honey!"

You still have a nasty cough, in fact, it almost sounds worse! I hope it's not Croup! We all actually have bad coughs, but it's easier for us because we can push through it, or take tylenol, etc. I've been giving you Honey Elixir, Night-Time Cough Syrup and/or Advil because you've been a little warm. It's funny, I have to call everything "honey" to get you to take medicine. Maybe that's why you're saying "honey" so much! :)

Hoping you sleep well, and feel better in the morning. If this cough continues, I'm going to have daddy take you to see the doctor on Tues.

Love you!

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