Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2nd Cuspid Tooth & a Blogging Decision!!

Well, days shy of your 19 month birthday, low and behold, another cuspid tooth seems to be rearing itself. This time, it's on your top left, which is making you mucho fussy!!! Last night, I heard you wake up a few times, but then you went right back to sleep...I couldn't though. :( I was up every 15-20 minutes or so because I feared you'd wake up again.

Hopefully this tooth, and the other 2 will come thru soon!!! I can't tell if it would be easier for all 4 to come in at once, or to do this staggering thing that your teeth are doing (and most teeth do). :)

I have been toying with continuing your blog, or ending it at 18 months. I can't get myself to stop blogging. I have this guilt thing keeping me from stopping, but I know at some point I have to stop - I can't blog about you forever...or can I??? My decision RIGHT NOW is to blog until your 2nd birthday!! I think you're going to be doing new and amazing things between now and then, and I want to document it all!!!!

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