Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Grandpa Howard Comes to Visit!!!!

After tumbling on Saturday (10/8), we went to pick up Grandpa Howard at the airport. He's in town for business on Wednesday, but wanted to come visit you for the weekend!!! We went to lunch at yummy Skyline, where you, as always, threw cheese on the ground! Ha! Then we went to Kinman Farms, and you got to pet the animals, go on your 1st hayride, and pick out a pumpkin!! You had a blast!!!!
After the hayride, we came back to the house and you took a GREAT nap and woke up when daddy got home! You were so excited to see him!!

You have REALLY enjoyed having Grandpa at the house. You LOVE to climb on him and give him random hugs. I know he LOVES it!!!

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