Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Today is New Year's Eve. Last year this time, I was quite preggo with you in my belly!!! We were hoping to all go out to dinner tonight, but when you woke up from your nap right before we were about to go, you started crying hysterically. I think you just woke up too quickly. We gave you a little Tylenol, but that didn't help. Grandma & Grandpa offered to stay home with you so that daddy and I could go out to dinner. We were really quick and came right back to spend the rest of the night with you. When we got home, you were playing with Grandpa, and Talking Tom the Cat on Grandpa's IPAD. I videotaped you playing with Talking Tom. It is so funny because you actually talk to Tom, and he talks back to you.

Well, it's a little after 11:00pm and you're already asleep. Maybe next year you'll stay up until midnight.
Daddy and I actually may go to sleep soon. We are SOOOO sleepy!!!!

Since you're sleeping so soundly, I suppose we'll just see you next year!!! 2010 has been the most amazing year yet because you were born!!! Hoping 2011 will be just as amazing!!! Love you baby girl!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Date Night was a No Go.

Well, mommy and daddy didn't quite get to go out tonight, but that's okay...we would much rather stay home with you and make sure that you're okay. You seemed very off when we were at the restaurant. You were really fussy, so I held you and bounced you on my knee a little bit. You weren't your normal squirmy self, and you felt a little warm to me. I started to walk with you and then I heard you cough. The coughing then turned into very thick (and stinky) puke!! I walked you back to the table, but you kept puking.......ALL over me. I felt so bad for you. It kept coming out, but once it was all out, you were like a different Hailey...the old, happy Hailey! We took your shirt off and wrapped you in a blanket, but I had to stay in my stinky shirt/jeans until we got home...hehe! No was all worth it.

Daddy called the doctor while we were out because you have not been feeling well for about 11 days now. I actually called her this morning because you had diarrhea twice within an hour and a half this morning. Tonight was the 2nd time that you have vomited since last Mon. Dr. Warner just said to lay off regular food, but keep giving you Pedialyte and formula. I hope you start to feel better soon.

I think you're going to sleep very well tonight!! Speaking of...let's go upstairs!


2 steps and a Visit from Grandma/Grandpa Rosen!!

Yesterday (12/29), you climbed 2 steps!!!!!! It's funny, you seem to climb when Honey's leash is on the stairs. Once you get to it, you stop, so I started moving it and all of a sudden you climbed another step! When you got to the 2nd step, you weren't really sure what to do, so you extended your leg and went backwards, back down to the floor.

Soon after, we had to get in the car to pick up Grandma & Grandpa Rosen!!! They were SO excited to see you!!!

Today (12/30), we took you to your favorite place - KENWOOD MALL!! Grandma, you and I all had our black northfaces and black uggs on.
Grandpa took a picture!! I can't wait to see it!!! We had lunch, of course, at The Cheesecake Factory. You were GREAT!!! You ate sourdough bread, mashed bananas and delicious mashed potatoes! Then, we went to visit daddy at Target because he was working. He was so excited to see you that he carried you around the store introducing you to people! :)

And now we're getting ready to go get Mexican!!! Yum!! Daddy and I are going to go see a movie, and you are going to hang out with Grandma & Grandpa! :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Diarrhea Cha Cha Cha!!

Well, you're still having some diarrhea issues! When I picked you up from Michelle's, you were in one of the girls' shirts with no pants on!! Michelle said that you had a big blow out with diarrhea up your back and legs. :(

I called Dr. Warner tonight because you have been having diarrhea since a couple days after your last doctor's appt, which was 12/17/10. She did not seem concerned because you were only having about 1-2 accidents per day, and no other issues. She suggested to continue feeding you formula and food, as is, and that the virus was just taking its course. She said that you might be having diarrhea for 14 days, and that this is completely normal.

So, we shall see...on the flip side, you're having a pre-birthday photo shoot tomorrow at Michelle's!!! Daddy has a dentist appt in the morning, so you're going to Michelle's for an hour!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Climbed Your 1st Step!!!

Today you climbed your very 1st step!!!! You weren't really sure what to do once you got onto the step, so you kept stepping down. I have it on video!!!!!! It's so cute!

On another note, you're still having a lot of diarrhea. Well, it's kind of a weird consistency. Kind of liquidy, kind of mushy. I did a little research, and it could be from teething, although I don't see any other teeth coming through. You don't have any other symptoms. You're still very high energy, no fever, so I'm not terribly concerned, but just hoping you feel better soon.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Your 1st Christmas being Jewish!

Today is Christmas, but we don't celebrate it because we're Jewish. We celebrated Chanukkah a few weeks ago. Remember??? You got all those books, clothes, and toys??? I know, we'll have to do better next year because you seem to get books, clothes and toys all year round. We'll have to do a better job differentiating between every day and Chanukkah!!

Last year around this time, daddy and I were visiting your Aunt Margo and Uncle Jared in St. Louis. I was still pregnant with you. We took you (my belly) to a hockey game and everytime someone scored, you would move around a lot. Maybe when you're older (and sounds don't bother you as much), we'll take you to a hockey game.

For lunch, we went to Taj India. Indian food is daddy's FAVORITE...not mine, but I compromised because we're getting my favorite (CHINESE) tonight for dinner! After lunch, we went to visit Auntie Michelle and the girls! We watched a dancing movie with lots of great music. You were sitting/standing in your walker and actually looked like you were dancing. After awhile, you took a little nap, but I woke you up too soon and you were not happy with me. :( Your poor tummy must still be upset because you woke up with a messy diaper. Looks like more pedialyte for you.

Now we're getting ready to go get some Chinese at our favorite buffet, Empire Buffet! Michelle, Brett & the girls are going to come with us!!! You're going to have so much fun!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Rough Night for You & Me

Last night you went to sleep at normal time, but woke up about 11:15pm SCREAMING. I picked you up, and brought you downstairs. You didn't feel warm, so I knew you didn't have a fever. I offered you both the Pedialyte and formula, but you didn't want either. I googled "ear infections," but you didn't really have any of the symptoms. SO, I just held you and rocked you. Eventually I did give you some Tylenol, which helped you calm down and ultimately fall asleep. I heard you wake up about 5:50am this morning, so I ran downstairs and got you a little bottle of Pedialyte which you drank, and then fell right back to sleep until about 8:30am (says daddy).

I had to go to work today, but daddy said that you seemed so much better. He said that you had a lot of energy. He said that you didn't realy have any diarrhea, just a lot of wet diapers because of the Pedialyte.

You're a little fussy right now (it's about 8:00am). I'm trying to keep you up as close to 8:30pm as possible so that you're routine is not thrown off too much. You seem to sleep well when you go to sleep around 8:30am.

Daddy goes into work late tomorrow so you get to spend most of the day with him - LUCKY!!!!

Hope you have a better night's sleep!!


Monday, December 20, 2010


So, last night you had diarrhea a couple of times, but I chalked it up to possibly the food I gave you yesterday morning - roasted pears & apricots. I was going to try the rest of the food on you last night, but you kept having diarrhea, so only gave you formula. You seemed fine this morning, but then I got a few text messages from Auntie Michelle who said that you still were having diarrhea, and had vomited once. She gave you green beans, and I think you may have gotten sick after that. I called the doctor, and she said that you probably just had a little stomach bug, and to give you Pedialyte. You did not have a fever, so that was good.

Since you've been home, you've had one dirty diaper, and it just had small pieces of diarrhea. It was not runny, but more in small piece form, and a greenish color - almost like the green beans. Daddy brought you 2 flavors of Pedialyte, well, actually just one (orange). The other one had no flavor, but it did have the electrolytes which are important when you're sick. You seem to like the orange flavor. Dr. Warner wants us to give you Pedialyte, and if you're able to keep it down for 8 hours, we can give you formula again. Your poor private parts, though, are so irritated. :( I put lots of Desitin and vaseline down there, so hopefully it will make you feel better.

Luckily daddy is off work tomorrow, and goes in late on Wed. He will take good care of you!!!!!

Feel better, love!!!


Friday, December 17, 2010

9 Month Check Up!!!

Today we went for your 9 month check up. GrAndi and I were certain that you'd weigh at least 20lbs (she texted me this morning with her guess of 20lbs 2oz). I thought 20lbs 1oz, but're not QUITE 20lbs - you weighed in at 19lbs 13oz and have grown to 29inches in length!!!! You had to get 1 shot today - the last Hepatitis B vaccine. You did not like this ONE bit. However; after the doctor's appt, we went to the mall, which of course you love!! :) We walked around, and you actually fell asleep in the stroller, which was great!

After the mall, we went to my work holiday lunch. Because today is my "off" day, I was able to bring you!! :)
You were such a hit! Everyone loved you. You fell asleep there, too!! In the picture, my car is parked - PROMISE! :)

After lunch, we went to Babies R Us and I got you a walk 'n grow toy. It helps you walk, and then when you're able, you can ride it! I need daddy to put it together for me. :)

And now we're just waiting for daddy to come home from work so we can go to dinner! YUM YUM!!!

(You're in your crib right now, but you're not really wanting to take a nap...which is fine). :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Today we had a SUPER snow storm. I wanted so badly to stay home with you, but I couldn't. However; daddy worked all night, so he was able to come get you around noon! :)

You've been a little fussy this past week, but I think it's a combination of not feeling well, and perhaps your teethies coming through. We go to the doctor tomorrow for your 9 month check up. I have a few things to ask the doctor, like: 1) you have a few rough patches of skin on your back...I'm sure it's just dry skin, but I want to make sure. 2) your 2 teeth are coming in crooked, but I am sure that is normal. 3) when to transition you completely to a sippy cup - you definitely prefer the bottle. 4) Am I feeding you enough "baby" or table food?

I think I might get you a little stroller walker (a toy where you push it like a stroller). I want to get your leggies moving, not that I want you to walk early, but I think you're really trying so why prolong the inevitable?!?

After your doctor's appointment, we're going to visit my co-workers for a working lunch. Because I am off on Fridays, I can bring you!! YAY! You'll be the hit of the party! Can't wait!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

9 Months Old and 1st Fever.

Today you are 9 months old!! Unfortunately you weren't feeling well, and woke up around 3:45am this morning crying because you couldn't really breathe out of your nose. It was so runny, so I had to use the aspirator again. You were not having it!!! I took your temperature because you felt kind of warm, and you had a slight temperature of 99.3 degrees. I gave you a little bit of Tylenol, some saline spray and a little bottle, and you feel right back to sleep until about 8:30am. You woke up with no fever and in a GREAT mood!!!!! Your nose is still quite runny, but you have lots of energy, which is great!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mady's 2nd Birthday Party!!!

Tonight we went to your friend, Mady's 2nd birthday party! It was a princess theme, and when we arrived, all of the little girls had princess costumes on. Mady's mommy, Amanda, had a goody bag for you with a princess crown and lots of other goodies.

You actually wore your crown for quite some time, but then realized it was on your head and quickly pulled it off! :) There were 4 other little girls there that you were playing with including your other friend, Ada!

During the party, and actually a little before we left, your nose was running.
I had to use the suction (aspirator) to help clean your little nosey out. At first you kept moving you head, but when we got home, you actually just let me do it. Either you're REALLY tired, or you're so smart that you know the aspirator will make you feel better. I also gave you a little bit of liquid Tylenol because you felt a little warm. I dressed you EXTRA warm in a 2-piece pajama set, and then put you in a cozy, pink sleep sack. Hopefully you'll stay warm.

And'll be officially 9 months old!! I literally cannot believe it. Where has the time gone??? We're expecting some snow tonight and into tomorrow, so we got some food because I don't think we're going anywhere tomorrow. It's probably best if you're not feeling well. I don't want to talk you out in bad weather.

Okay...sweet dreams, my love!!!! Hoping you'll feel better tomorrow...on your 9 month birthday!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Really Finding Your Balance!!

Daddy went into work late today, so you got to stay with him most of the day. He took you to the gym, and I met you guys there on my lunch break!!! It was so great to see you (and daddy, of course!).

When I picked you up from Auntie Michelle's house, you were playing on the floor with her girls, Izabella & Milena! Auntie Michelle stood you up, and you actually stood there, finding your balance, for literally 5 LONG seconds!!! You did it a few more times, and then while skyping tonight with GrAndi & Grandpa Howard, you stood there for even longer!!!!! You are really growing up!!!

I just gave you a bath, but I don't think you're ready for bed yet. You're in your crib, but I can still hear you! I'm ready for bed!!!!!!!!!

Goodnight baby girl...sleep tight!!!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Excited to See Me!!!!

You got to spend the entire day with daddy today, but when I came home...oh were you excited to see me! It melted my heart. I pulled in the garage, and daddy opened the door to see me. I wasn't even out of my car yet, and I saw you starting to kick your legs and make your noises. It was so cute. When I actually did get out of the car, you were so excited!! Oh, I loved it. It really made my day!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Squash Sneeze!!

This morning, I gave you warmed up squash and veggies. You looooved it, however; you had a really big sneeze while I was feeding you and it went EVERYWHERE!!! It was so funny.

Then, we went to visit my friend, Julie, and her two daughters, Olivia & Ella. Ella was born just 6 days ago. You were great, but got scared by Olivia. She is learning how to share, and I think you may have taken one of her toys and she got upset, which upset you. :( Although I was sad that you were upset, you turned right to me and just hugged me, which I loved!!!

Julie lives right by daddy's store, so we went to go visit him. He loved seeing you. As soon as he left, he sent me a message about how much he loves you.

Hopefully daddy will be home soon.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

1st Snow

Today we got about 1-2 inches of snow. I can't remember if it snowed at all after you were born, so this is definitely your 1st snow experience. GrAndi bought you a North Face snowsuit, so I put you in that today, and put you in the snow. You couldn't really move, but you did try to eat it. It was so funny. The snow was coming down and you stuck your tongue out.

Then we came inside, and you tried to climb the steps!!!! Looks like I need to put up a baby gate...PRONTO!!!

You know where GrAndi and Grandpa Howard went tonight??? They went to the Gotham Bar & Grill. That's the restaurant where I had your very first picture (sonogram picture) framed, sent and placed on their table last Aug. That's how they found out that you were growing in my tummy!!!! They brought your picture back to the restaurant, along with a more recent picture to show everyone! I hope to take you to that restaurant in the future! :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Your Last Week as an 8 Month Old!!!

Today you entered in your last full week of being 8 months old. Again I sound like a broken record, but I just can't believe you're going to be 9 months old next Friday!

We went to visit a new baby friend today, baby Lucas Igo. You were so good with him, although you definitely wanted to hold him. Ha! You're too little for that, however; compared to him, you looked like a giant!
Amanda, Lucas's mommy, has a pet cat named Hank. I think this may have been our first time around a cat, but you loved him! You definitely wanted to play with him, and loved his tail hit your face. Hank ran upstairs, and you crawled right over to the stairs to find him. One you did, you definitely tried to climb the steps (lifted one leg and everything), but luckily, you weren't able to get up there...yet. Only a matter of time, I'm sure.

Right now, we're watching a movie called Happy Feet. It's about penguins. A few times I have caught you actually watching it. This movie has a GREAT soundtrack, which I think you like. PLUS, there are great colors in this movie which I think are catching your eye.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1st Chanukkah!!

Tonight is your 1st Chanukkah!!! You had SO many presents to open tonight. Normally, you're supposed to only open 1 present per night, but I got so excited that I let you open almost all of your presents! :)

Grandma Betsy and Grandpa Marc sent you a big box of toys, clothes and books!!!! I even put you in the box!!! It was so funny. I think I left a couple of presents for you to open.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fussy Fussy!!

This 2nd tooth is creeping SLOWLY through your gums and REALLLLLLLY making you mad!!!! As a result, you've been very fussy the past few days. I feel so bad for you when you cry because I don't know how to make it any better. I think your fussiness is a combination of being REALLY tired and teething. I can't wait until all of your teeth come in (and you can tell me what bothers you). Right now it's more of a guessing game. Hopefully I'm not loading you up too much with liquid Tylenol, but it seems to help, at least a little bit.

You're still not eating a whole lot of solids, which is concerning to me. I thought that you'd be gobbling it down, but you're definitely still into the formula. At leats I know you're getting nutrients. Daddy was off work today, so he took you to the gym. I guess one of the staff members could not believe how advanced you are, saying that she has never seen an 8 month old clap like you do. :) We go back to the doctor in a couple weeks. I may ask the doctor what to do about food because I feel like you should be eating more solids. We shall see! You certainly look healthy, so I'm sure in due time you'll eat solids.

Well, you just went down for the night, so I think I will too!! Sleep well, princess!!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some New "Words!"

Over the past few days, and especially today, daddy and I have heard some new sounds from you..."la la" and "ra ra." It's so cute to hear you try to talk and make sounds.

You're also REALLY trying to stand up. I'm watching you right now, and you're on one knee, trying to stand up.

Also new, which I forgot to blog about over the past couple of weeks, is that you're now reaching for people from your crib. Before, you would just sit there, look up and if someone picked you up great! But now, when you see someone come into pick you up from your crib, you reach out your arms, too. AND...yep, there's more!! When I do pick you up, I feel like you now hug my neck, which I love!!!!!!!!!!

We're Home...and it's COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Normally, you like to sleep until about 7:30am, but I had to wake you up a little before 6:00am today!! Thankfully, you didn't fuss! You woke up and were ready to go! You fell asleep literally as the plane was taking off and almost slept the ENTIRE flight! We had 2 seats to ourselves (thankfully!!!). I laid down and you slept on me for just about an hour. You were so funny...I could tell when you went to the bathroom because you would lift your head (eyes still cold), and then it would get really warm in your diaper! Ha!! Then you'd lay your head back down. You could probably have peed directly on me and I wouldn't have're so cute!!!!!!

Daddy met us at the airport. We grabbed our bags and have been home ever since. Hopefully daddy won't have to work late tonight. To everyone's surprise, I'm sure, I have unpacked both of our suitcases and am currently doing laundry!! I need to run out, though, because we're out of laundry and dishwashing detergent.

You're currently taking your 3rd nap of the day - it's been one of those days where you're just so tired you don't even know what to do with yourself. Thankfully, you have chosen to sleep!!! :)

1st Thanksgiving!!!

On Thurs. (11/25), we celebrated your 1st Thanksgiving!! We went to one of my favorite restaurants, Houlihan's. Everyone except me ordered a traditional Thanksgiving meal, which included turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cornbread and cranberries. I ordered my favorite salad from there, the Asian Chicken Chop Chop!! It's soooo good! I think next year we'll do a traditional Thanksgiving dinner at our house. You'll be older and will be able to appreciate the yummy food!!!

After dinner, daddy had to pack because he had to fly home early for work. :( I was so sad that I cried. I think he was upset, too, because he kept calling us and emailing us from the airplane.

The day after Thanksgiving is called "Black Friday." It's a day full of shopping. Most people get up before the sun to go shopping...NOT US!! However; we did go to a beautiful mall in Orlando, FL and then to a really nice outlet mall! I bought you a couple pajama sets from Gymboree because they were 50% off!! After shopping, we went to a Mexican buffet! DELISH!!! (Daddy and I had actually gone there before our date night). We gave you some tortillas to play with and munch on!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Epcot & Animal Kingdom

Yesterday we went to Epcot and the Animal Kingdom. This may have been the longest day for you, but again, you did GREAT!!!! We took you on lots of rides today, including "Spaceship Earth." I think you really liked the slow ride, sounds and lights. It was so much fun taking you on the rides!! (I hope you liked it!!)

After Epcot, we went to the Animal Kingdom. You met Pocohontas and Thumper!! You loooved Thumper!!! You stayed with GrAndi while we (mommy and daddy) rode a SCARY rollercoaster called Expedition Everest! It was so much fun. This nice man came up to us with "fast passes," which allow you to get on the rides with no wait. He must have heard us say how long the wait was, and came right up to us and said, "I had young kids once." We literally walked up to the front and got on one of the first cars!!! Maybe daddy will take you on that when you get a little older!!

After about 9-10 hours at the parks, we came home. GrAndi, Grandpa Howard and Aunt Heather watched you last night so I could go out with your daddy. We went back to Epcot and the Magic Kingdom. It was so pretty at night with the lights! We can't wait to take you back to Disney when you're a little older.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We're Here - DISNEYWORLD!!!

Our vacation is finally here! We're in Kissimmee, FL, which is right next to Orlando! The day we got here (11/20), you met your Great Aunt Joanie & Great Uncle Joel!!

They were so excited to finally meet you. Of course, Great Aunt Joanie had a present waiting for you...a big, brown teddy bear!!!!! You loved it!! We all went to a Chinese buffet. There, you tried banana pudding and rice pudding. I think you liked the rice pudding best.

The next day, we went to a resort called "The Beach" for a character breakfast to celebrate your Aunt Heather's graduation from graduate school!! During breakfast, you met Goofy, Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. Daddy gave you grits, which I think you liked!! After breakfast, we went to Hollywood Studios.

You were SOOOO good at Hollywood Studios. You took a few naps, but really didn't fuss at all!! We even were able to take you on a ride through the history of movies!! I think you really liked it because you kept looking up at everything!!

Yesterday, you were EVEN better at the Magic Kingdom!! You met Chip & Dale, and Frontier Donald Duck. We stood in line for almost an hour to ride Dumbo with you, but we did it!
I think I liked it more than you did - plus, while waiting, you were REALLLLLY gassy...we thought you made a Dumbo in your pants! Haha!! Then, we stood in line for about 30 minutes to ride It's a Small World! You loved all the pretty lights and sounds. It was quite a long day for you, but you did great!! Daddy was getting pretty fussy, too, so he bought himself a frozen strawberry lemonade. He shared it with you, and you LOVED it.

You were a little fussy last night, but that's to be expected since we spent about 7 hours at the Magic Kingdom. Your teeth may have been bothering you, too. Tylenol to the rescue!!!! We met GrAndi, Grandpa Howard and Aunt Heather at Downtown Disney Marketplace for a nice Italian dinner.
You tried mashed potatoes and gelato! :) I think you really liked the mashed potatoes. I don't want you to be too crazy about those types of carbs, so I'll need to try to mash up some fresh sweet potato. You weren't crazy about the gelato, but that could have been the flavor (cappucino).

Today, we're going to take a day off from the parks. I think the plan is to go swimming at the pool, and then take you to a petting zoo!!! :) Can't wait!!!

BUT FIRST...daddy is making us go to Target!! He's so silly!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

En Route to Orlando for Your 1st Thanksgiving!!!

It's 6:30 in the morning and I am dreading waking you up because you're a such a sound little sleeper, but it would be for good reason - we're going to Disney World!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our flight leaves at 9:15, and we should get to Orlando, Florida around 11:24am. Oh I am so excited!

GrAndi, Grandpa Howard & Aunt Heather will be meeting us there!! And you know who you're going to meet??? Your Great Aunt Joanie & Great Uncle Joel!!! Aunt Joanie is my aunt, and she is also Grandpa's sister! She loves you so much, and she hasn't even met you yet!!

Okay, I must go and continue to pack so I don't forget anything!! MUST BRING BABY BJORN!!!!

Oooh, side note!! Our friends, Jason & Amanda Igo, had their little boy, Lucas David, last night...a new little friend for you to play with!! AND, I just found out that my friend, Jamie Gladstein, also gave birth to her little girl, Paige, last night!! So many babies!!!!!!

Okay...sleep for a few more minutes before I awaken you!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Standing Up By Yourself & High Fives!!!

I am not kidding, but about 5 minutes ago, you just stood up by yourself and gave me a high five!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't believe it! I was in shock when it happened, and you know what?? It's happened more than once. Once you realized that you could stand up (and then fall down), you did it again...and again...and again!! Then, you started giving me high fives!!! Oh, I just can't believe this (in a good way, I think).

Stay young a little bit longer, please!!!! :)


Monday, November 15, 2010

Standing So Much!!!

You have been getting up all by yourself and standing so much more lately. Everytime I turn around, you have yourself standing, and sometimes only holding on with 1 hand!!! You are really developing quite a personality! I love it!!!!!!!

5 More Days Until Disney!!!

GrAndi left on Saturday, but it's okay because we'll see her, Grandpa Howard and Aunt Heather in less than a week in Orlando! I am soooo excited for our trip. You are going to have so much fun. I went online to see what rides I can take you on, and I am so excited that I'll be able to hold you on Dumbo!! I don't remember a whole lot from my trips to Disney when I was little, but I certainly remember pictures of my daddy taking me on Dumbo! You know what I'm also excited for???? I scheduled a "FIRST HAIRCUT" for you at Harmony Barber Shop at the Magic Kingdom. I refuse to let you have a REAL first haircut until you're at least 1, but we'll at least do a trip...your hair is just too long. I've actually had to put your hair in a ponytail on top of your head just to get it out of your face!!!! What 8mo old do you know that needs a haircut already!?!?!?! MINE! :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Found a Food You Like!!

Well, GrAndi and I found a type of food that you least for now! It's a company called PLUM Organic and the food comes in these really cute pouches, and you attach a little spoon at the end of it and the food squirts out. So far, you like the Pumpkin & Bananas, and the Peas, Spinach & Pear! GrAndi took us out for dinner tonight and you scarfed the Peas, Spinach & Pear down!! GrAndi told me tonight that when she was watching you today, you figured out to take down this cloth teether on your crib! She said that it was on the floor today - you are so silly!!!

And now we're watching the Country Music Awards - you love the music!!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sweet Potatoes, Peas & Apples!!

Tonight we tried a yummy mixture of sweet potatoes, peas & apples! I think you really liked it. You were reaching for it. Although you did not eat a lot, you did eat more than you had been - I'll take the progress! We'll just have to give you more baby food throughout the day so that you'll take more.

Just put you to bed. You didn't really nap today, so hopefully you'll go right to night night land! :)

Sweet dreams!!!!!!!

Are We Turning Into a Fussy Eater???

Lately, it has been a little challenge to get you to eat anything other than formula. You used to scarf veggies and some fruits down likt it was your job, but now, you're only taking little bites here and there. GrAndi and I went out today to see if we could find other things to get you to eat - you can't have formula forever (as much as I would like to keep you young). We're going to try some pouches of mixed veggies/oats. Yesterday, we went to the Cheesecake Factory, and we tried fresh, natural, mashed bananas - you wanted know part in that. Not sure what to do. If you're not eating more by December (your next drs. appt), I'll say something to her. I do know that refusing foods is a sign of teething. I think your other lower center tooth is coming in, too, so maybe that has something to do with it. Not sure, but hoping to find something that you like.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Hour Wasn't So Happy

Tonight, daddy, GrAndi and I went for Mexican - yum!! It was happy hour so we got this yummy queso dip. You were quite fussy. I let you try guacamole to see if that would calm you down. It did for a few seconds, but you were over that pretty quickly. Not sure what's going on lately - you've been more fussy, especially when we go out to eat. Hoping to find the miracle cure to give you when you're not feeling so great. The bottle used to cure everything. :( My little girl is growing up.

On a positive have your 3rd swimming class tomorrow!!! I'll be in the pool while GrAndi takes pictures! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Standing In Your Crib!!!!!

GrAndi arrived today. She's going to be staying with us for about 2 weeks since Michelle is out of the country!! You're going to have so much fun!!!!!!

You were a little fussy today (probably from all of the traveling we've done in the past 48 hours), so we drove up to daddy's store. You slept the entire way, which was great because we had tried to get you to nap all afternoon!! We walked around the store, and did some grocery shopping.

We gave you a nice bath, and then put you in your crib to watch Beauty & the Beast. We were all just watching, and then we looked over, and you were standing in your crib - leaning on the front railing, staring at the tv. I couldn't believe it!!! We didn't put you up there, you stood up all by yourself!!!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Kozinn Cousins Meet!!

Yesterday (10/30), we took another plane ride to Kansas City, KS to meet your baby cousin, Shayna Rose. You were great on the flight, no real fussing. Surprising because when daddy and I looked in your mouth, your bottom left tooth had completely popped through the gums!!!!
It's coming in crooked, but hopefully when all of your other teeth come in, it will straighten itself out.

Baby Shayna is so tiny. I don't remember you being that small, but I know you were. i remember how quickly you grew out of your newborn clothes, so you must have been tiny! :) We took some really cute pictures of the two of you together. It's so funny to see you next to her because of the size difference.\

Grandma Betsy watched you and Shayna last night so that daddy and I, and your Uncle Jared & Aunt Margo could go to the movies. When we got back Uncle Jared's & Aunt Margo's apartment, you were asleep in the pack 'n play. They and Grandma Betsy said you could stay over so we didn't wake you, but I had SEVERE attachment issues. I actually started crying in the bedroom not wanting to leave you. Still to this day, I have never been away from you overnight. Oh April is going to be so hard - daddy and I are going on a cruise, but GrAndi will be there to stay with you. Luckily, you woke up and we took you with us! :)

Today, we're going to go shopping with Aunt Margo and Shayna! Daddy and Grandma Betsy are going to the Chiefs vs. Bills football game with Uncle Jared!! It's also Halloween - your 1st Halloween!
I have matching ladybug sleepers for you and Shayna! SO CUTE!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Getting Ready for Your 2nd Flight!!!

Today, I had some errands to do so Uncle Timmy came over to watch you for a couple of hours! You guys had lots of fun. He said that you really liked to look at yourself in the mirror! :)

Daddy is at work right now, but he'll be home so we can all go out for dinner! Where do you want to go?? Not many places serve pureed veggies!

Tomorrow we're taking you on your 2nd flight. We're flying to Kansas City to meet your new baby cousin, Shayna Rose!! You'll get to see Aunt Margo & Uncle Jared, and even Grandma Betsy!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mama's Little Active Girl!!

When I picked you up from Michelle's house today, you were so excited to see me! I LOVED THAT!! You got really excited, and tried to crawl as quickly as you could. You also were REALLY trying to stand! Michelle said the same thing. We both sat on the floor and watched you. You were like a table, both arms extended, both legs extend with a flat a table! :)

We just put you to bed, so hopefully you'll go right to sleep and have a better night than last night.

Sweet dreams!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sang You Right to Sleep!

Daddy had to work all weekend, so it was just you and me! We did some shopping (as usual), some playing (of course) and then some grocery shopping.

You didn't really take a nap today, so this afternoon, I tried to get you to take a nap. You fought pretty hard, but then I started singing "Hailey Had a Little Lamb," and you kind of just fell asleep on my chest. I love when you sleep on me. It reminds me of when you were little...REALLY little. I hope you always know that you can sleep on me! :)

Hopefully daddy will magically come home early so we can all play!

Love you!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2nd Swim Class, Mixed Veggies & Bumped Noggin'

Today you had your 2nd swim class! Daddy went in the water with you again, and you went under quite a bit today. I think you liked your first class better. Maybe you were just tired. You're quite the little fishy, though, because when you go under, you kick your legs and keep your eyesies open. Your poor eyesies were all red, but you didn't cry! You're a tough cookie!

After swimming, you fell right to sleep, so daddy and I went to eat breakfast. You slept almost the whole time! :)

Then, we watched some football. Daddy had to go into work, so we went to the store to get some formula and a baby outfit for our friends that we'll see tomorrow, Jason & Amanda. After that, we came home and you tried mixed vegetables and brown rice (pureed of course). You LOVED it! It's so funny that you prefer veggies over fruit. I guess that's good since fruits sometimes have a lot of sugars in them.

After dinner, you were playing and I was attempting to straighten up the kitchen. You bumped your head on the molding in the family room. Poor thing! You had a little bump on your forehead, so I tried to ice it.

Now, you're in your crib watching Baby Einstein videos. You've bumped your head in the crib twice now. I think we may have to invest in a bumper. The doctor said not to in the beginning. Something about babys can suffocate, but now that you're old enough, we may have to get it just so that the sides are a little softer if you should bump your head again.

I think bed time is slowly approaching. Wishing you sweet, sweet dreams of not bumping your head!!

Love you!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

2nd Flu Vaccine.

Today we went to your doctor's appt for your 2nd dose of the Flu vaccine. You cried for just a few minutes and then took your bottle. You are so good at the doctor!!

I had Dr. Warner weigh you and measure you. At 32wks (today), you weighed in at 18lbs exactly and have grown to 28in in length!!! You are quite the growing little flower!!!

After your doctor's appt, we went to visit daddy at work. He was so excited to see you. He was showing you off to everyone!!!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Someone's Clapping!!!!

Today, you got to spend the morning with daddy. Daddy sent me a text message and said that you started clapping!!! When I picked you up tonight from Michelle's house, she asked me, "have you seen Hailey clap"? And just like that, I started a clapping motion and you followed!!! It was so cute!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Swim Lessons & Kinman Farms Pumpkin Patch

Today was a very exciting day!! We started off by taking you to your first swim lessons at Five Seasons Country Club over in Edgewood, KY (city where you were born). You did AWESOME!!! I took pictures while daddy was in the water with you. You learned to float on your back and tummy, and daddy even dunked you! I don't think you cried at all actually. I have such great pictures of you.

Then, we went to breakfast. I think you were so tired from swimming that you napped on our way to breakfast, and then slept through breakfast. You continued sleeping until we got to Kinman Farms Pumpkin Patch in Burlington, KY (city where we live now). You sat in the pumpkin patch, and then pet some of the animals. We have GREAT pictures of this, as well.

And now you're just waking up from a 2.5 hour nap!!!!!! What a great day it has been!

Friday, October 15, 2010

31 Weeks and a Possible Tooth Poking Through!!

Good Morning, sunshine!! Today is your 31st week of life!!!! WELCOME! :) You woke up as smiley as can be, which I love!! I always start my days off best when I see that little smile of yours. I was looking in your mouth, and I saw a little white just under the surface of your gummies! I'm certain this little tooth is going to poke through within days! It's right where I thought your 1st tooth would be...bottom center left tooth (if that makes sense). If I'm looking at you, it would look like the bottom center right tooth (but it's really the left).

You're in your crib right now having a little snack. I'm going to get you dressed, and then we're going to do some errands. I have to run to the post office to mail something for daddy because I couldn't find my stamps yesterday!!

You know what we're doing tomorrow!?!?!? You have your 1st swim lesson at Five Seasons Country Club!!! After that, we're going to go get some breakfast (probably First Watch), and then I am hoping to take you to a pumpkin patch so that you can pick out your first pumpkin!!!! Clearly a picture moment!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stage 2 Foods & Standing Up in Crib!!!!

Last night (10/12/10), I gave you mixed vegetables (which is a stage 2 food). You looooooved it. Gobbled it right down!

Today (10/13/10), when I picked you up from Michelle's house, you know what she told me??? She told me that she had this inkling to go upstairs during your nap. She had the monitor downstairs with her, and although you were silent, something told her to go upstairs to check on you. You know what she found!?!?!? She found you standing up in your pack 'n play, leaning over the railing!!!!!! She quickly grabbed you, and lowered the pack 'n play mattress. This is the 1st time that you got yourself up by yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now as I type this blog, you are sitting to the right of me, just staring at me. I love you so much; everything about you!!! I am so lucky!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tooth May Be Poking Through!!!

You have been really fussy tonight, and daddy was playing with you and he thought he noticed a little white poking through your gums. I checked your mouth, and although I don't see any white, I do see where there is a lot of puffiness (almost a whitish color) around the left, bottom, center-most tooth area. I'm certain this will pop through within days. I gave you a little Infant Tylenol and some baby orajel. Hoping this will help ease the pain.

Sweet dreams!!!!!!!!!!

Cheesecake Factory AGAIN + Plane Ride Home

On Sunday, we went to a new mall - Bridgewater Mall. There, we met GrAndi's and Grandpa Howard's friends, Arnold & Michelle Dunn. They loved you, and thought you were beautiful (as you are!!!!). While driving around at the mall, GrAndi and I found a new Cheesecake Factory. Although we had eaten at one yesterday, we decided to go back, but this time, I snuck the credit card into the bill and paid for everyone!!! :) I'm so sneaky!!! No whipped cream fight at this meal, but you loved the mirrors that were above our seats. I had you standing on the seat, and you just stared at yourself. It was soooo cute!!

When we got home, we took a lot of pictures outside.

They turned out so pretty!! There were so many pictures, that we lost track of time looking at them. We had to rush to the airport because we had to fly home yesterday. :( I rushed so quickly that I forgot the cooler with your formula!!!!! Luckily, I had a small bottle with formula, and a travel bottle.

You were a little fussy on the flight home, but overall did GREAT!!!! Next time we fly, we'll be flying with daddy to Kansas City to meet your new baby cousin, Shayna!!!

You went right to sleep last night. I think you were so out of sorts from the weekend and being in a new place that you just gave into that wonderful thing called sleep!!! I hope you had sweet dreams. You must have because I had to wake you up at 8:00am this morning!!! You would've slept the entire day away. :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Whipped Cream Fights & Mango!

Today we went to Menlo Park Mall!! Of course we had to eat at The Cheesecake Factory because it's my favorite restaurant. GrAndi had a coupon for $5 off cheesecake, so we ordered a slice (and a side of whipped cream for you). :) I tried to feed you sweet potatoes, but you weren't having it. I tried the bottle, but you wanted no part of that, either. SO, I caved and let you have some whipped cream. Grandpa Howard was holding you, and you kept reaching for the bowl. Because it was making you smile so much, I just let you stick your hand in the bowl and "taste" the cream. YOU LOVED IT!!!! You kept putting your hand in the bowl, and lots would fall on Grandpa, and it was ALL over your face/hands. I have SOOOO many pics! It was so funny. Grandpa was laughing so hard.

When we got home from the mall, GrAndi put some frozen mango in a baby toy with netting. You sucked on the mango and LOVED that too. Using this toy is a great way for you to eat fruits/vegetables!

You haven't taken any naps today (except for 15-20 min naps in the car), so I am hoping that you'll fall asleep tonight. You're all out of sorts, it seems.

Going to put you to bed in a couple of hours.

Love you!!

You're a BIG Cousin!!!

Guess what!?!?!? Your Aunt Margo went into labor yesterday and at 7:15pm, you became a BIG cousin!!! Your new cousin's name is Shayna Rose Kozinn. We're going to fly to Kansas City for Halloween and spend the weekend with your Aunt Margo, Uncle Jared and Cousin Shayna Rose. I can't wait to take pics of you and Shayna!!! They will be so cute because you both are so close in age - 7 months!!

1st Plane Ride!!

So, yesterday (10/8/10), you went on your first plane ride!!! You were such a good girl!! Originally we were seated next to a nice gal, but then the stewardesses (who loved you, by the way!!!) let us move to the last row in the plane because there were 2 empty seats!!! This was soooo much better because I had you on the 2nd seat, laying down/sitting up, etc.

You cried for about 5 minutes when we first started to descend, but other than that, you did awesome!!! You fell asleep as we were landed, and didn't wake up until we walked off the plane. When we arrived, GrAndi and Great Aunt Een were waiting for us!!! We're hopefully going to get to visit again with Great Aunt Een, Great Uncle Lars and Cousins, Sean & Rob, tomorrow, but if not, I am so glad you got to at least see Great Aunt Een! She loooooooves you so much!!!

You also got to see your Aunt Heather! She and Reese (her doggy) drove up to see you. Your Aunt Heather loves you so much!

You're having a rough time adjusting, but I think it's because I had to get you up at 5:40am yesterday for our flight! :( I think your teethies may also be trying to poke through. Poor thing!!

You finally fell asleep around 11:15pm.

Sweet dreams!!